
大眼蛙冒险模拟器 ios(大眼蛙)

导读 大家好,我是小跳,我来为大家解答以上问题。大眼蛙冒险模拟器 ios,大眼蛙很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、大眼蛙可洛比 ...

大家好,我是小跳,我来为大家解答以上问题。大眼蛙冒险模拟器 ios,大眼蛙很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、大眼蛙可洛比 keroppi 中英文名:大眼蛙可洛比(keroppi). 生日:1988年7月10日. 出生地:甜甜圈池塘. 专长: 歌唱,游泳,跳高。

2、 ... 大眼蛙小档案 大眼蛙的出生日期是7月10日,它和它家人住在一个很大很清澈的叫Donut水塘边,它的好朋友都住在附近,包括它的女朋友Keroleen。


4、 可洛比的简介唷! Keroppi was born on July 10th. He lives with his brother, sister and parents in a big house on the edge of Donut Pond, the largest and bluest pond around. Most of his best friends live nearby, including his girlfriend, Keroleen. He is the natural leader of his large group of friends, and he leaps to help his pals in their time of need. Keroppi and his friends share his love for playing games, especially baseball and boomerangs. But most often he is seen with his little snail friend, Den Den, always tagging along and usually a little behind. 参考资料: http://std.sssh.tp.edu.tw/~s9220411。
