1、who pron.(代词) 1.What or which person or persons: 谁:什么人、哪个人或哪些人: Who left? 谁离开了? 2.Used as a relative pronoun to introduce a clause when the antecedent is a person or persons or one to whom personality is attributed: 谁:当先行词是一个或多个人或是被赋与身份的一个人时。
2、用作关系代词来引导从句: the visitor who came yesterday; our child, who is gifted; informed sources who denied the story. 昨天来拜访的那个人;我们天赋异禀的孩子;告诉那些不相信的人这个故事的来源 3.The person or persons that; whoever: 谁:人或人们;不管什么人: Who believes that will believe anything. 相信那个的人会相信任何事 WHO abbr. 世界卫生组织。
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